Happy New Year from the Life at 9,290 Family!

Happy New Year! 

Our family would like to wish you a truly awesome 2019! 

2018 has been one for the books! In the late spring, we sold our home in the Denver suburbs and moved to the mountains of Summit County. Kelsey left his teaching job in June and then began to work full time on designing, constructing, and working day-in and day-out on our simple mountain home. We're beyond grateful to Cory's parents for allowing us to live at their condo in Frisco while we build our home. If we didn't have a rent-free place to live, this whole adventure wouldn't be possible. 

If you aren't already, follow along on our homestead journey on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/lifeat9290/ or Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/lifeat9290/. We post more regular updates on FB and Instagram, but hopefully we’ll get on a more regular update schedule here too! We're so thankful for all of our support so far! We've already had family and friends working alongside us this fall and winter and it is as joy filled as we expected - with a ton of hard work mixed in. 

Our oldest started kindergarten in September and is having lots of fun and making many new friends. And, we're gradually making more local friends with his school buddies' parents! Our youngest is growing up fast and loves to ride his strider bike and play with legos. Both boys love to ski and be outside exploring the mountains that are now right in our backyard. Cory is loving her job with Snavely Associates and is thankful for strong wifi and video conferencing that allow her to work remotely from Summit County. She travels a couple times a month to conferences and to visit clients. 

As with the previous two years, we've created a daily video journal of the fun we've had. Check it out here: 

We hope 2018 brought you many blessings, fun and adventure. 

Love from the mountains,

The Andersens